Mitman Neighborhood Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2024
The meeting took place in Harold Hallikainen’s driveway,
Present: Ali Bickford, President, Robin Steinberg, Vice President, Mary Martin, Chief Financial Officer (Emeritus), Harold Hallikainen, Chief Financial Officer-Elect, Susan Patania, Chief Information Officer, Jennifer Beard, Advisor, Terril Meyer, Advisor-Elect, and approximately 15 members.
Ali Bickford called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. The sky was cloudy with periodic sprinkles of rain. Due to the inclement weather, Ali made a motion to keep the meeting as short as possible, particularly by conducting the election of officers by voice vote rather than by written ballot. Her motion passed unanimously.
Ali introduced herself and outlined the meeting agenda. She described various grants received by MNA over the past year and the projects they funded. Ali explained the role of each officer, including Advisors, who fully participate as members of the Board and are authorized to vote. No neighbor expressed an interest in becoming a Board member at this time.
Officers briefly introduced themselves and described their roles and areas of interest:
President Ali Bickford outlined past and current grants obtained by the Association, for example Ground Water, Safer Streets, and tree planting. Ali will be re-applying for all grants next year.
Vice President Robin Steinberg introduced herself as a cyclist with special interest in bike boulevards and traffic circles. She will be taking responsibility for the quarterly newsletter.
Newly elected Chief Financial Officer, Harold Hallikainen, explained the process of acquiring an Employer Identification Number (EIN), which would make Mitman Neighborhood Association a 501(c)(3) organization. The MNA Bylaws require that the membership vote to approve incorporation. Harold stated that the membership would be voting to approve minor changes to the Bylaws at this meeting.
Chief Information Officer Susan Patania briefly described her duties and expressed willingness to continue as CIO in the upcoming year.
Advisor Jennifer Beard reported on her efforts to make 1st street a safer, more pleasant part of the neighborhood. Love Cabaret at 5822 E. Speedway has been the source of fights, noise, light pollution, drunk driving, discharged firearms, etc., in our otherwise quiet neighborhood. It currently has a provisional liquor license that the city will soon review.
Terril Meyer introduced himself as a new Advisor and long-time Mitman resident with a general interest in the neighborhood’s quality of life.
Harold Hallikainen summarized the proposed Revised Bylaws to be voted on by the General Membership. The text of the changes was included in the October newsletter. Harold distributed a handout listing the changes. Ali’s motion to adopt the proposed changes was unanimously approved by voice vote.
Harold then explained the process of acquiring an Employer Identification Number (EIN), which would make Mitman Neighborhood Association a 501(c)(3) organization. With an EIN, the Association would have its own tax I.D. number rather than using the Chief Financial Officer’s SSN. MNA Bylaws require a vote by the membership to approve incorporation. Harold provided a handout of the proposed Articles of Incorporation. The Articles were passed unanimously by voice vote.
Ward 6 City Councilperson Karen Ulich had prior obligations. She sent a representative to talk about plans and issues for Ward 6, primarily upcoming changes to Fifth Street.
A Tucson Police Officer spoke about crime in Mitman. He said that crimes in central Mitman are rare and tend to be petty property offences. More serious crimes occur around the edges of the neighborhood along Speedway and Craycroft. Circle K and Love Cabaret are the most frequent sources of police calls.