Minutes of MNA Board Meeting of October 2, 2024
Present: Ali Bickford, President, Robin Steinberg, Vice President, Harold Hallikainen, Advisor and Chief Financial Officer Elect, Susan Patania, Chief Information Officer, Mary Martin, Chief Financial Officer Emeritus, Jennifer Beard, Advisor, Terril Meyer, proposed Advisor.
Quorum Established
Approval of Notes from Board meeting, September 2, 2024: Approved
Chief Financial Officer’s Report: No changes
New Business
Introduction and Welcoming of New Advisor: Neighbor Terril Meyer expressed interest in becoming a Board member. Ali Bickford explained the role of Advisor and Terril wanted to join in that capacity. He has lived in Mitman for many years and wants to contribute time and energy to maintain its safety, beauty, and environmental stewardship. Terril was unanimously voted in by the Board.
Preparation for October 19 General Meeting
Ali Bickford invited Ward 6 City Councilperson Karen Ulich to discuss the status of City grant proposals, 5th Street improvements, and Love Cabaret at the General Meeting. She has yet to hear back from Ms. Ulich. No information on the status of Love Cabaret’s liquor license application is available from any source.
Discussion of Voting Logistics:
- Candidate Statements are due October 15.
- Harold Hallikainen will print out the membership list and ballots.
- Members on the list will be given ballots, one per household.
- Completed ballots will be dropped in a box to be tabulated by Susan Patania and Mary Martin.
Discussion of Practical Logistics
- Susan Patania will bring a cooler of ice and folding chairs and tables.
- Robin Steinberg will bring canned seltzer.
- Harold Hallikainen will set up chairs in his driveway.
Other Neighborhood Events
Block Party: Jennifer from the 5700 block of Rosewood is having a block party with live music on November 23. The Board is supportive of this gathering and willing to pay for supplies. Ali Bickford will be the contact person. Open Discussion: Jennifer Beard noted that climate change has brought an increase in extreme weather of all kinds. She suggested and the Board agreed that a guide for managing flooding, trees and power lines down, extreme cold or heat, etc., would be a valuable addition to the web page.