The Mitman Neighborhood Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 pm in the West Meeting room of the Ward 6 office at 3202 East 1st Street, Tucson. Use the South entrance to the building (behind the Ward 6 office). Note that these meetings are open to all neighborhood residents and businesses. The door to the meeting room is locked. Ring the doorbell to be let in. If you are stuck waiting outside, call 805 441 2246 or 520.780.1059
- Agenda
- Establish Quorum
- Agenda Approval
- Minutes
- Review and approve minutes from February Board Meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Meet with Karin Uhlrich
- Old and Ongoing Business
- Articles of Incorporation status. Complete signatures.
- Non-profit status. Can’t do anything until Articles of Incorporation done.
- Has Ali gotten on as a signer to the account?
- Next Newsletter (Robin)
- Safe Streets MiniGrant Program (Ali)
- Proposed Watershed Park (Ali)
- Desert Bloom (?)
- Restrictive Covenants (Harold and Robin)
- Open Discussion
- Adjournment