Neighborhood Update

From Sylvia Berman, Mitman Neighborhood Association President

Hi Neighbors!

The board met for its monthly meeting and developed a plan for the traffic circle art project. Our artist, Daniel Hornung, will develop a sketch and we will have a preview at the traffic circle on Rosewood & McKinley on an upcoming Saturday morning.

The board also discussed the need to apply for speed bumps. The City will pay for the bulk of the cost but the neighborhood will still be responsible for $500 a bump. We propose to add a bump to the north and the south of the traffic circle at Rosewood & McKinley first. Recently, the bollard was struck by a speeding car and since this a bike / walk route, it seems pertinent to protect the space. 

This will require a petition with the application. Get ready for me and a few others to knock on the doors of the people who live closest to Rosewood & McKinley. I don’t like to bother people but I really think this is important. We will apply for speed bumps every year until we have placed them to the north & south of each traffic circle. 

Mitman Neighborhood Association will appreciate donations to the cause. We have some money stashed away in the bank but its not going to be enough for these projects. 

The Mitman NA vision is to have art objects added to both traffic circles on McKinley, with speed bumps. The traffic circle on 2nd is being renovated and Ward 6 is paying for the base for the art object (I understand). In between, we plan to add curb cutouts with plants, street murals, a little library, a bulletin board and perhaps murals on people’s walls. The idea is to create a neighborhood street park. We can apply for permits to block off a lane for events. We are just in the discussion phase right now and it will take a while to accomplish.

When we get this done, we may attempt the same thing on Jefferson. The art objects will be variations on a theme so we only have to pay for the engineer expense one time. And perhaps we can join with Thunderbird NA to do the same thing on Sahuara.

Next month, Mitman NA will invite the board officers of Thunderbird and Sewell to dinner. We will see how we can work together and support our goals. 


Last but not least, Steve K’s weekly newsletter:

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