Neighborhood Update

From Sylvia Berman, Mitman NA President

Hi Neighbors!

Some of you have been reporting to me about the phantom 3am door banger. Well, I got to experience it 1st hand! Since I had just raked up all my palo verde flowers, I could tell that this person did not enter from the front of my property since there were no footsteps. He had to have entered from the easement. 

Interestingly, a neighbor in Sewell caught a video of a mysterious interloper in her front yard about 3am. I have forwarded to our Watch Commander. Can’t see much … but each detail can add up to something significant. 


Those of you who are frustrated with homeless camps in your easement … you should know that Homeless Protocol is available to help. You don’t have to deal with these things on your own. Get pictures. Always feel free to call me. I am happy to put in a request to have someone come to your location to check the situation. 


Mitman NA is discussing speed bumps. Recently, I received an email from a disgruntled resident who DEMANDED speed bumps on Jefferson. Unfortunately, its not that easy. There is an application process required by your neighborhood association. Each bump costs $500 and requires a petition of the nearby residents. Furthermore, both traffic circles on Jefferson are scheduled to be enlarged and renovated and that can take a few years. Speed bumps will not be approved until after the renovations take place.

Since the traffic circle at Rosewood & McKinley is already renovated, it makes sense to start there with the speed bump process. The traffic circle at 2nd & McKinley has been approved for renovation and curb cut outs have also been approved (I believe) for McKinley. We are trying to change the way the traffic moves throughout the neighborhood. We will work on Jefferson when the time comes.

Incidentally, people have contacted me about speeding on Sahuara. To make changes such as traffic circles and speed bumps … it would require a joint project with Thunderbird Neighborhood Association. Sahuara is the dividing line between the two neighborhood associations. 


As always, Steve K’s weekly newsletter is informative.

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