Mitman Neighborhood Update

by Sylvia Berman, Mitman NA President

Hi Neighbors!

It’s the dog days of summer and way too hot!!! There are lots of suggestions for fun stuff to do on our Facebook page.

The board is organizing the annual newsletter and meeting. Tentatively it is set for Saturday morning, October 14, 2023, and it will be held in the neighborhood again … by popular demand! 

Councilman Kozachik … an officer from TPD … as well our neighboring associations, will be invited. 

Currently, we are in the process of applying for a permit to close a portion of Hawthorne Street to traffic. We are in need of a neighborhood map. Anyone have one? Or know where we can obtain one?

We would like to circulate a petition for speed bumps at McKinley & Rosewood. (We cannot apply for speed bumps on Jefferson because those traffic circles are waiting to be updated.) 

Also, we will request donations to the traffic circle art project. The picture and details will be published in the annual newsletter. 

We are thinking of developing a bit of a street fair theme. Would anyone like to set up a table to sell things? Perhaps used items … crafts … home baked goods … lemonade stand? 


The Mitman board is constantly reporting strange vehicles parked in the avenues in the neighborhood to Code Enforcement and TPD (McKinley, Van Buren, Jefferson). There have been reports of parked vehicles being used for selling drugs and / or prostitution. Resident vehicles are normally parked in front of their home … not on the avenues. Also, large trucks tear up the neighborhood streets. Feel free to report as a code violation or directly to me.

We have been working with Code Enforcement to get the mess in the front yard at 5750 E. 1st Street cleaned up. (Occupants were evicted but kept coming back.) 

The weed problem at the well site on Baker & Van Buren has been reported to Tucson Water for clean-up. 


Steve K’s weekly newsletter (the link doesn’t always work, might have to paste in your browser):

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