Minutes of MNA Board Meeting of June 5, 2024

Minutes of MNA Board Meeting of June 5, 2024

Present: Ali Bickford, President, Robin Steinberg, Vice President, Susan Patania, Chief Information Officer, Mary Martin, Chief Financial Officer, Harold Hallikainen, Advisor, Jennifer Beard, Advisor.

Approval of Minutes of Board meeting May 7, 2024: Approved

Treasurer’s Report: Current balance $2,205.56. No activity since the May 7, 2024, meeting.

Employer Identification Number (EIN) Progress

The first step for obtaining an EIN is to become a nonprofit corporation registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission. Advisor Hallikainen has written draft Articles of Incorporation that will be submitted if the membership at large votes in favor of incorporating.

A vote on the following will be taken at the annual meeting in October: 1) to incorporate or not; 2) approval of the draft Articles of Incorporation if the membership votes in favor of incorporation; 3) approval of the revised Bylaws.

A mailing with the revised Bylaws and the proposed Articles of Incorporation will be sent prior to the vote in October.

PayPal Progress: Requires EIN.

Bylaws Revision

The revised Bylaws have been approved by the City of Tucson and the Board of Directors. The membership will vote on them at the October 2025 meeting.

Proposed Watershed Park at Baker and Van Buren

An open meeting is planned for Thursday, June 13, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Murphy Wilmot library. The Wilmot Library closes at 6:00 p.m., necessitating an early start time. There At the meeting, a representative of the city will display drawings of the proposed water-capture features and will hold a Q & A session with open discussion.

Desert Bloom: No changes since last meeting.

Noise Complaints

Love Cabaret on the 5800 block of Speedway continues to be the source of excessive noise and “unruly gatherings.” Loud music, loud cars, loud arguments, and occasional gunshots can be heard late into the night, especially at closing time (2:00 a.m.). Tucson Police Department has not been effective in controlling excessive noise. Our former City Council person was not a strong advocate for the neighborhood when Love Cabaret’s liquor license was approved. A unanimous decision was made to write to incoming interim City Council member Karen Ulich to apprise her of the negative impact Love Cabaret is having on the neighborhood. Love Cabaret’s application to renew its liquor license is due next September.

Other Neighborhood Events: N/A

Open Discussion: N/A

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