Mitman Neighborhood Elections

Mitman Neighborhood Elections

As reported in our previous post, the Mitman Neighborhood Association membership is meeting Saturday October 19, 2024 at 11:00 am in the driveway at 5701 E Hawthorne Street (corner of Hawthorne and Van Buren). The first order of business is the election of officers and other board members (Neighborhood Advisors). Nominations may be made at the meeting. We have so far received the nominations listed below. Below is a “candidate statement” from each of the nominees.


Ali Bickford

Hello Mitman,

My name is Ali Bickford and I have been the Mitman President for the past year and on the board a total of 3 years. While being your president I have worked with several City organizations to complete the following:

  • The tree planting event in 2021 and another scheduled this winter.
  • Installing Green StormWater Infrastructure
  • Provided feedback to the city on a number of projects
  • Keeping a positive line of communication with our Ward rep 

My goal is to continue to create a Safe Space for all residents and businesses in Mitman and treat everyone with respect.

My husband and I bought our home in Mitman over 8 years ago and plan to stay here to raise our daughter. We are invested in our community and enjoy being able to walk her to school, take bike rides to the UofA and the Library. I want to work with you and the city to have Mitman be the Diamond we all know it is.

Thank you for your time and consideration for your vote.

Vice President

Robin Steinberg 

Hello Mitman Neighbors,

My name is Robin Steinberg and I am nominating myself to serve as Vice President of Mitman Board of Directors.

I have served as Vice President this past year and it has been a fun and rewarding experience. The Board got lots done this year; and I believe we will continue to help improve the neighborhood.  Board meetings are open to the public and I invite any of you to attend and join in the planning and activities.  We are a friendly group and would welcome your input and participation.  There is always room for more at the table.  However, we do have to have “officers” to keep the wheels turning and that is why I’m running for Vice President.

Thank you neighbor, Robin

Chief Information Officer (Secretary)

Susan Patania

Mitman has an active, friendly vibe, with cyclists passing through, kids playing, and neighbors talking to each other. I like living here and want to help shape Mitman’s future as it continues to become more attractive, safer, and environmentally responsible. I’m proud to be on a Board that energetically works on numerous projects to tame traffic, harvest storm water, and beautify empty lots.

As Chief Information Officer, I take notes at board meetings in addition to participating in all Board activities. I invest time and effort to ensure that meeting minutes consistently provide an accurate record of what took place. I’m grateful for the opportunity to contribute to our little gem of a neighborhood!


Harold Hallikainen

I wish to serve as the treasurer of the Mitman Neighborhood Association. I have been a Neighborhood Advisor for the Association for two years and have assisted the treasurer over that period by preparing financial statements. I have over 30 years experience using Quick Books. I served as treasurer of the Central Coast Country Dance Society for over 20 years. I am currently the treasurer of the Radio Society of Tucson. I strongly support transparency of the Association. Financial reports are available on the Mitman web site. As treasurer, I do not wish to have check signing authority. Instead, I will use the accounting software to write checks which are then signed by the President or Vice President. I am currently using GnuCash for the Association accounting with the accounting file being stored on the Mitman Google Drive to ease transition to another treasurer.

Neighborhood Advisor

Jennifer Beard

Hi Mitman residents, Jennifer Beard here, on the corner of 1st and Mckinley since 1997. 

I got involved with our neighborhood after the strip club fire in 2013. My neighbors and I worked with our community, Ward 6, and the police to create some security from the violence and intrusion we directly experienced from that club. I became a board advisor in 2020 for the very same reasons. I want our neighborhood to continue being a safe, friendly community. I wish to continue supporting and representing the Mitman neighborhood as a board advisor.

Terrill Meyer

Hello, my name is Terrill Meyer and  I am a 27-year 3rd St resident in the Mitman Neighborhood. Not only was this my first home purchase but it is also a home I truly love and in a neighborhood I am very happy to be a part of. As such, I have made the leap to want to be more active in the neighborhood and see positive changes continue to be made. I am a former engineer that turned high school teacher and have been in education since 2003. I taught for 10 years in the Tanque Verde district, was at The Gregory School for a year and a half, and currently I am a teacher at Salpointe Catholic High School. As I consider possibly transitioning out of being a full time classroom teacher, I would like to continue serving my community in this neighborhood advisory position.

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