Neighborhood Update

from Sylvia Berman, Mitman NA President

Hi Neighbors!

Wednesday, the Mitman Board held its monthly meeting. We invited both Thunderbird and Sewell associations. Deb Thompson, VP of Thunderbird, attended. Julie Davey, President of Sewell, attended. This was a very special event since one of our goals is to create a coalition with our neighboring associations. Most of our Mitman Board of Officers have bonded and developed a great working relationship. There was great camaraderie between Mitman, Thunderbird and Sewell. Hopefully we will be able to work together going forward.


One of the issues under discussion is speed bumps at Rosewood & McKinley. There have been several reports of frightening incidents between speeding motorists traveling north & south … and bicycle riders. Also, walkers have been frightened. People walking their pets after dark, are also uncomfortable. There is an expectation that the Bicycle Blvd is a safer space to walk & bike. This is not true as long as speeders are using our neighborhood as a shortcut. 

Mitman sent letters to each of the four residents at that intersection because their permission is required to apply for speed bumps. Hopefully, they will agree that this is a necessary addition. We would also appreciate emails from the rest of our neighborhood in support of the speed bumps. Mitman still has to raise $500 for each bump … but we will be on a wait list for at least a year so perhaps we can come up with some fundraising possibilities. 

So far, one of the residents in that intersection has objected to speed bumps. I don’t know if there is an alternative that would enhance safety. Mitman NA would appreciate suggestions. 


I want to remind everyone that we have a website. Harold has put a great deal of effort into resurrecting it. He has placed all the Neighborhood Updates there. It is still a work in progress. Please feel free to let us know how we can add value.


Several residents have asked about the status of the Road Diet (resurfacing 5th Street and changing from four lanes to two lanes and a center left turn lane with more space for bicycles and walkers). I contacted Ward 6 and they said construction on the street is supposed to start the summer of 2024.


Steve K’s Weekly Newsletter:

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Neighborhood Update

From Sylvia Berman, Mitman NA President

Hi Neighbors!

Some of you have been reporting to me about the phantom 3am door banger. Well, I got to experience it 1st hand! Since I had just raked up all my palo verde flowers, I could tell that this person did not enter from the front of my property since there were no footsteps. He had to have entered from the easement. 

Interestingly, a neighbor in Sewell caught a video of a mysterious interloper in her front yard about 3am. I have forwarded to our Watch Commander. Can’t see much … but each detail can add up to something significant. 


Those of you who are frustrated with homeless camps in your easement … you should know that Homeless Protocol is available to help. You don’t have to deal with these things on your own. Get pictures. Always feel free to call me. I am happy to put in a request to have someone come to your location to check the situation. 


Mitman NA is discussing speed bumps. Recently, I received an email from a disgruntled resident who DEMANDED speed bumps on Jefferson. Unfortunately, its not that easy. There is an application process required by your neighborhood association. Each bump costs $500 and requires a petition of the nearby residents. Furthermore, both traffic circles on Jefferson are scheduled to be enlarged and renovated and that can take a few years. Speed bumps will not be approved until after the renovations take place.

Since the traffic circle at Rosewood & McKinley is already renovated, it makes sense to start there with the speed bump process. The traffic circle at 2nd & McKinley has been approved for renovation and curb cut outs have also been approved (I believe) for McKinley. We are trying to change the way the traffic moves throughout the neighborhood. We will work on Jefferson when the time comes.

Incidentally, people have contacted me about speeding on Sahuara. To make changes such as traffic circles and speed bumps … it would require a joint project with Thunderbird Neighborhood Association. Sahuara is the dividing line between the two neighborhood associations. 


As always, Steve K’s weekly newsletter is informative.

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Neighborhood Update

From Sylvia Berman, Mitman Neighborhood Association President

Hi Neighbors!

The board met for its monthly meeting and developed a plan for the traffic circle art project. Our artist, Daniel Hornung, will develop a sketch and we will have a preview at the traffic circle on Rosewood & McKinley on an upcoming Saturday morning.

The board also discussed the need to apply for speed bumps. The City will pay for the bulk of the cost but the neighborhood will still be responsible for $500 a bump. We propose to add a bump to the north and the south of the traffic circle at Rosewood & McKinley first. Recently, the bollard was struck by a speeding car and since this a bike / walk route, it seems pertinent to protect the space. 

This will require a petition with the application. Get ready for me and a few others to knock on the doors of the people who live closest to Rosewood & McKinley. I don’t like to bother people but I really think this is important. We will apply for speed bumps every year until we have placed them to the north & south of each traffic circle. 

Mitman Neighborhood Association will appreciate donations to the cause. We have some money stashed away in the bank but its not going to be enough for these projects. 

The Mitman NA vision is to have art objects added to both traffic circles on McKinley, with speed bumps. The traffic circle on 2nd is being renovated and Ward 6 is paying for the base for the art object (I understand). In between, we plan to add curb cutouts with plants, street murals, a little library, a bulletin board and perhaps murals on people’s walls. The idea is to create a neighborhood street park. We can apply for permits to block off a lane for events. We are just in the discussion phase right now and it will take a while to accomplish.

When we get this done, we may attempt the same thing on Jefferson. The art objects will be variations on a theme so we only have to pay for the engineer expense one time. And perhaps we can join with Thunderbird NA to do the same thing on Sahuara.

Next month, Mitman NA will invite the board officers of Thunderbird and Sewell to dinner. We will see how we can work together and support our goals. 


Last but not least, Steve K’s weekly newsletter:

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