Minutes – Mitman NA Board of Directors Meeting, December 4, 2024

Minutes – Mitman NA Board of Directors Meeting, December 4. 2024

Present: Ali Bickford, President. Robin Steinberg, Vice President, Harold Hallikainen, Chief Financial Officer, Susan Patania, Chief Information Officer, Jennifer Beard, Advisor

Absent: Terril Meyer, Advisor

Quorum Established

Agenda Approved

Approval of minutes of the October 19 general membership meeting: Approved with specified changes. Revised minutes to be sent to Harold Hallikainen for submission to Neighborhood Services. Minutes of November 6, 2024, Board Meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The fiscal year 2024 was closed out with a total of $2,320.56.

Old Business

Harold submitted revised Bylaws to Neighborhood Services.

Complete Articles of Incorporation: Terril’s signature is needed; Harold will obtain this. The Articles will then be sent to the state for approval. Once approved, they can be submitted to the IRS.

Next Newsletter: Robin will work on a draft as soon as more information on grants, etc., is available.

Block Party: The Block Party collected four boxes of food for the Food Bank. The board agreed to help with the cost of renting a truck to transport street barricades.

Neighborhood Yard Sale: Scheduled for Saturday, December 14, 2024.

Neighborhood Crime: The primary topic of discussion at this meeting was the negative impact of Love Cabaret on the safety and quality of life in our neighborhood. Advisor Beard reported that she found bullet holes in her fence. She reported this to TPD, who recommended installing cameras (requests to install cameras have been communicated to Love Cabaret Management for years).

MNA has abundant documentation of nuisance and criminal incidents originating at the Cabaret.

Several safety measures that Cabaret management apparently agreed to implement in a meeting with City Councilman Steve Kozachik are being treated as non-binding “suggestions.”

MNA has abundant documentation of attempts to convince Love Cabaret to implement the basic safety measures required by law and their business license.

The Board agreed that a meeting with Councilperson Ulich and the City Attorney is indicated to persuade the Council to fund additional police coverage and hold Love’s accountable for crimes committed by its employees and patrons.

Robin Steinberg will work with Ulich’s staff to schedule the meeting.

The list of interventions proposed at the Kozachik meeting will serve as an agenda.

Safe Streets Mini Grant Program: Ali Bickman re-submitted a copy of the proposal.

Proposed Watershed Park, Baker and Van Buren: No new information.

Desert Bloom: No new information.

New Business

Restrictive Covenants: The covenant for Mitman, like many older neighborhoods in Tucson, contains racist and currently illegal language restricting Jews and people of color from residence. According to law, this language can be removed by a simple majority vote of owners. The next newsletter will provide instructions on how individual property owners can remove the restrictions from their property. We could possibly post information at “Miss Jennifer’s” community information table.

Authorization granted to reimburse Chief Financial Officer Hallikainen $42.69 for preprinted deposit slips.

Membership expiration date check added to web site.

A variety of disturbances involving a neighbor on the 5800 block of 2nd Street had been reported to police. All indications are that the woman has moved.

Open Discussion: No new information.


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