Code Amendment Hearing

From Mitman Neighborhood Association President Sylvia Berman.

On Tuesday March 21, 2023, there will be a live meeting at Mayor and Council Chambers of City Hall. The topic is the proposed changes to City of Tucson Code to ease the housing shortage by removing barriers to infill. Link to Notice. Of course, I will be attending in person and I am happy to have company.

This topic is far more complicated and far reaching than it may appear at first glance. Ronni Kotwicka, President of Palo Verde Neighborhood Association (this is the person who helped me with the liquor license protest) spoke about these proposals on Channel 9.

At the moment, I am not planning to speak to the City Council or issue an opinion letter. However, I urge you to consider the impact and provide your feedback. Considering the number of serious issues these changes bring, I doubt anything will be done right away. It seems to me the ideas need more development. 

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Mitman Neighborhood Update

Hi Neighbors!

Last night Mitman Neighborhood Association met with our prospective metal artist to discuss the neighborhood traffic circle art project. What a nice young man!

Daniel Hornung grew up in Sewell Neighborhood … in fact … his Mom still lives in the ‘hood!

Attached is Daniel’s Instagram link which will show you some of the projects he has completed. It seems to me that his style is right up our alley. Moreover, Daniel has had experience working with neighborhood projects and the City of Tucson. 

The first thing we need to do is decide on a theme. We will start with the traffic circle on Rosewood & McKinley. It is very likely that we will include the traffic circle on 2nd Street. Later on … we may continue with the traffic circles on Jefferson. 

We came up with three ideas:

  1. Wildflowers
  2. Birds
  3. Cactus (probably saguaro)

What do you think? Any other ideas we should consider? If it is a basic design that can be varied, we will only need to go thru the design process once. Different types and aesthetics can be applied.

The board will meet with Daniel again and vote on a theme. Then Daniel will create sketches to view at a community meeting at the Rosewood traffic circle on a future Saturday morning. At that point, Daniel will submit a cost estimate and Mitman NA will begin applying for grants as well as other fund-raising methods. 

We would like the community to be involved with this project. Please stick your 2 cents in!


Our Advisor, Harold Hallikainen, has resurrected our website. It was quite a daunting task and we are very grateful for his help. It up and running … but it is still a work in progress. Feel free to take a look.

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Mitman Neighborhood Update

Hi Neighbors!

Harold Hallikainen, one of our advisors, wants to bring to the community’s attention that Sun Tran (bus company) is seeking feedback on its services.


Below is Steve K’s weekly newsletter. You will want to check it out. THE ROAD DIET HAS BEEN APPROVED! 5th Street will become 3 lanes … Streets will be repaved. I have also heard that the hawk light by Sewell will be replaced with a traffic light. I’m not sure how that will affect the traffic on Chantilly.


Your neighborhood association at work! Due to our persistent complaints, Riteway has errected metal gates on Van Buren and in the easement to keep the homeless out. Razor wire has been added to raise their back walls. There is still trash along 1st Street and wild shrubbery growing along the curb on Van Buren. Mitman NA will keep an eye out.

Mitman Neighborhood has been invited to participate in Tucson’s community gardens. Attached is additional information. Please let me know if anyone is interested and I can see how we can get involved. They have garden work parties and garden tours. Sounds like fun!

Heid Enssle, Volunteer with Community Gardens of Tucson 



I just want to publically thank our neighbor, Brenda Nowlan. As you may recall, Mitman NA has been looking into applying for historic status. This is a monumental job. 504 homes must be researched and cataloged. Brenda very kindly dug up the original CC&Rs. Very helpful! I am hoping to have everything ready by our annual meeting in October for a community vote. 


Mitman Neighborhood would really benefit from a community reporter. Stories such as the tree planning event, traffic circle art project, easement cleanup, special neighbors … should really be preserved and told. Perhaps they could be published in Steve’s newsletter, the Neighborhood Nugget or some other neighborhood publication. Anyone interested?


Steve Kozachik’s Ward 6 weekly newsletter is always interesting.

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