Mitman Neighborhood Association Board Minutes, December 6, 2023
PRESENT: Ali Bickford, President, Robin Steinberg, Vice President, Susan Patania, Chief Information Officer, Jennifer Beard, Advisor, Harold Hallikainen, Advisor
ABSENT: Mary Martin, Chief Financial Officer
The meeting was held at the Ward 6 office.
- Minutes of November 1, 2023 Board Meeting were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
- The Association’s account balance was $2364.16 as of 11/30/23.
- It was agreed that MNA’s account balance should be posted and available to the community.
- Harold will apply for an Employer Identification Number for the Association.
- Association Administration
- The Association Google Drive is now available to ensure continuity as draft documents are submitted and reviewed. Harold provided instructions on accessing or posting a document on the Google Drive (requires a Google account): and select the Mitman Documents folder.
- The Board of Directors internal email list is improving communication among Board members.
- Web site updates – A contact form is now available on the web site that can be used to contact the Board. People can now subscribe to the website to receive emails when a new post is added to the web site. A plug-in was added to improve the web site display on small screens.
- Bylaws Revision
- Robin, Harold, and Susan volunteered to form a Bylaw Revision subcommittee.
- Harold’s proposal from last year will be the initial draft.
- It was agreed that only one subcommittee member will be authorized as an editor. Others will make comments, with the editor making changes after a consensus has been reached.
- The Bylaw Articles could be divided up and a draft made by editing according to a weekly schedule:
- Articles I and II 12/10-12/16
- Articles III and IV 12/17 – 12/24
- Articles V – IX – 12/25 – 12/31
- A final Overall pass through to make sure we have gotten everything in and like the way it is organized: 1/1 – 1/5.
- Postal Mailing List
There are 715 addresses, after removing unmailable addresses, on the postal mailing list obtained from the City of Tucson Neighborhood Services.
- Electronic payment of dues (PayPal, etc.)
The Association will set up a PayPal account.
7. Neighborhood Topics
- Safe Streets Mini Grant Program
- Draft application: Ali and Robin completed and submitted the application. To strengthen the application, neighbors are needed to demonstrate enthusiasm and support for the proposal. Harold will create a Google form to facilitate this.
- Traffic circle status: The Board reviewed Robin’s draft of a flyer encouraging neighbors to “adopt” a traffic circle by picking up trash and pruning trees. It was approved with minor revisions.
- Possible Pocket Park, Baker and Van Buren
- Last year Ali’s proposal was accepted by the City, and project funding was made available. Lack of support from Board leadership, however, resulted in the money being returned.
- Ali recently received an email forwarded by Tucson Clean and Beautiful from a neighbor, Keith P., who wanted to know why work on the pocket park had not commenced. Keith lives near the corner and says he has neighbors who are in favor. Ali will stay in contact with Keith, who might be willing to be an Advisor.
- It was noted that some residents of the Van Buren apartments have reservations about the park attracting homeless people.
- Desert Bloom
Ali drew the proposed layout of the Desert Bloom marijuana dispensary in the former gym at Speedway and N. Sahuara. The dispensary is in one corner of what will eventually be an organic grocery store with a restaurant area. There is concern that customers will park along Sahuara, causing congestion and limiting visibility for pedestrians and cyclists. The city is planning a bike route along Sahuara with a hawk light at the intersection of Speedway and Sahuara. Robin will write the city requesting that the hawk light be installed as soon as possible.
- Neighborhood garage sale: Three households participated in the garage sale.
- Open Discussion: Various ideas for community-building activities, such as block parties, monthly potlucks, and an annual garage sale, were discussed.
- Adjournment at 8:45 pm.