Plan Tucson Community Forum Saturday January 20, 2024

Plan Tucson Community Forum Saturday January 20, 2024


The event will have prizes, and food and family-friendly activities.

These forums are an opportunity for residents to provide feedback on the draft goals and strategies impacting both current and future plans and developments in Tucson. Your input will also help update our Future Growth Map, guiding where and what type of development is encouraged across the city.

The Plan Tucson Community Forums aren’t just about shaping policy – they’re about building a community vision. The more feedback we receive, the better the plan reflects our shared values and aspirations.

For more information and to register, visit

Your Voice Matters in the Future Growth Scenario
Community Mapping Activity

As we update Plan Tucson, a key question is: How can we best plan for the city’s growth and evolution? The Future Growth Scenario Map is a vital tool for this purpose. Your input is essential in updating the map to reflect our community’s vision.

Have ideas about where to encourage new homes, retail, or employment centers? Want a store or a new sports stadium in your neighborhood? Your preferences for housing and development are crucial.

Join the conversation and show us your vision in our Mapping Activity on the Plan Tucson website. The survey closes on Monday, February 5, 2024.

Together, let’s shape the Tucson of tomorrow.

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Mitman Gets A+

Mitman Gets A+

Best counties to raise a family in Arizona says the Mitman Neighborhood gets an A+! See #4 in this Stacker article.

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Mitman Neighborhood Association Board Minutes January 3, 2024

Mitman Neighborhood Association Board Minutes January 3, 2024

PRESENT: Ali Bickford, President, Robin Steinberg, Vice President, Susan Patania, Chief Information Officer, Mary Martin, Chief Financial Officer, Jennifer Beard, Advisor, Harold Hallikainen, Advisor

The meeting was held at the Ward 6 office.

1. Minutes of December 6, 2023 Board Meeting were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report

The Association’s account balance is $2,374.43. There are no liabilities.

3. Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Harold explained that there are EINs for banking purposes only, and EINs that are included with 501 (c) (3) status as a charitable, tax-exempt organization.

Harold provided a handout explaining IRS requirements for 501 (c) (3) status, and the role of Articles of Association.

There was a discussion of filing articles of incorporation, as numerous other Neighborhood Associations have.

It was agreed that MNA would obtain a banking-only EIN while Harold further investigates 501 (c) (3) status. It was noted that Paypal requires an EIN.

4. Bylaws Revision

The Bylaw Revision subcommittee (Robin, Susan, Harold) met on December 13, 2023, and used Harold’s draft from last year as a starting point. (Discussion draft here. Current bylaws here.)

The framework provided by Harold’s draft allowed the Subcommittee to review and expediently arrive at a consensus on most articles.

Detailed attention was given to clarifying the nomination process, and the draft was completed.

The draft Bylaws will be reviewed in detail at the Board meeting on February 7, 2024, any agreed-upon changes will be made, and a final draft will be approved.

The draft Bylaws will be sent to the City for approval in March. Once approval is obtained, the Board will post the draft on the website and mail it to the membership.

A general meeting will be called in May 2024 for a final vote.

5. Membership List

A list of paid members will be compiled from the sign-in sheet for the October 2023 general meeting and the City’s list of MNA residents.

6. Safe Streets Mini Grant

Ali and Robin completed and submitted the Safe Streets program application.

Safe Streets provides funds for traffic slowing measures and curb extensions to mitigate problems with periodic flooding.

There has been no opposition expressed to the program, and 17 neighbors signed on as champions.

7. Proposed Watershed Park

Keith, the neighbor who expressed interest in the proposed project, became aware of opposition from his neighbors on Baker St. Ali will tell him about the potential concerns and solutions that have come up in various discussions.

Ali and Robin met with Logan from Tucson Clean and Beautiful to discuss park designs. They informed Logan about neighbors’ concerns, e.g. parking and homeless camps.

Ali and Robin displayed Logan’s proposed ground plan with widely spaced trees along Van Buren and Baker, a central walking path, and two water retention basins. As the Board discussed the plan, Ali and Robin explained Logan’s rationale for each feature and addressed related concerns:

Retention ponds are intended to hold rainwater that would otherwise run off into the sewer system. They are designed to hold water for 24 hours or less, a period too short for mosquito breeding.

Vegetation in the proposed park will be thin, spread out, and mostly planted along the street. There will not be clusters of bushes that might encourage camping.

Decorative boulders will be placed for children to play on.

Volunteer neighborhood residents will be responsible for picking up trash and reporting damage.

Tucson Clean and Beautiful will orient TPD to the park so they will be prepared to intervene in any crime or nuisance problems.

Neighbors living near the proposed project have legitimate concerns about its possible interference with their daily lives. Specific strategies for mitigating those concerns should be identified and education provided to those affected.

8. Desert Bloom Dispensary

No developments since the last Board meeting.

9. Neighborhood Issues – Midas Muffler

Advisor Jennifer Beard reported that Midas Muffler is using the easement behind houses on First Street for deliveries from large semi trucks. She and other residents have had to fortify barricades around their water meters to avoid truck damage. Jennifer continues to pursue all legal avenues to address this nuisance.

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